Liu Xiaogan
Professor, Beijing Normal University
Ph.D. in Chinese Philosophy, Peking University
Email: liuxiaogan@gmail.com, liuxg@cuhk.edu.hk
Research Fields: Taoist philosophy, Chinese religion and culture
Selected Publications:1. 庄子哲学及其演变(Zhuangzi’s Philosophy And Its Evolution). Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2010.
2. 诠释与定向:中国哲学研究方法之探究(Interpretation And Orientation: Research on The Research Methods of Chinese Philosophy). Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2009.
3. 道教(Taoism). Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Press, 2008.

Cheng Lesong
Associate Professor, Peking University
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Email: chenglesong@pku.edu.cn
Research Fields: The History of Thoughts in the Han Dynasty, Medieval Taoism, Religious Classical Hermeneutics
Selected Publications:1. 中古道教类书与道教思想(Middle Ancient Taoist Books and Taoist Thoughts). Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2017.
2. 即神即心:真人之诰与陶弘景的信仰世界(Ji Shen Ji Xin: The Words of Tao Hongjing and Maoshan Taoist Priest). Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2017.
3. 道体与体道——身体的双重角色(“Dao'ti and Ti'dao: The Dual Role of the Body”). Religious Studies, 2016春期.

Chen Xia
Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Ph.D. of Sichuan University, Postdoctoral of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Email: chenxia-zxs@cass.org.cn
Research Fields: Taoist and Taoist culture, Chinese philosophy, religion
Selected Publications:1. 道教劝善书研究(The Study of Taoist Persuasion Book). Chengdu: Bayu Shushe, 1999.
2. 道教生态思想研究(Taoist Ecological Thought Research). Chengdu: Bayu Shushe, 2010.
3. “Trilogy in a Century:Religious Studies In Mainland China”, AAR News Letter, 2007, October.
Jiang Limei
Beijing Normal University
Ph.D. in Chinese Philosophy, Peking University
E-mail: jianglimei@bnu.edu.cn
Research Fields: Xuanxue in Wei-jin Dynasty, Daoism, Yijing
Selected Publications:1. 王弼《老子注》研究 (Studies on Wang Bi’s Commentary on the Laozi). Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. 2012.
2. 老子(Laozi.co-authored with Chen Guying). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. 2012.
3. 庄子(Zhuangzi.co-authored with Chen Guying). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. 2012.

Li Shaomeng
Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Peking University
Ph.D. in Philosophy, The University of Tennessee
Email: lishaomeng@bnu.edu.cn
Research Fields: Political philosophy, history of political thought
Selected Publications:1. John Rawls’ Theory of Institutionalism: The Historical Movement toward Liberal Democracy. New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.
2. 合作、竞争与民主(“Cooperation, Competition, and Democracy”). Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Vol. 6, No. 2. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2011.
3. 罗尔斯、民主与公议民主(“Rawls, democracy and deliberative democracy”). Study & Exploration, Vol. 6. Harbin:Magazine Office of Study & Exploration, 2008.
Thomas Michael
Beijing Normal University
Ph.D. in History of Religions, University of Chicago
E-mail: maike966@gmail.com
Research Fields: Chinese Philosophy, Daoism, Shamanism
Selected Publications:1. In the Shadows of the Dao: Laozi, the Sage, and the Daodejing. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2015.
2. The Pristine Dao: Metaphysics in Early Daoist Discourse. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2005.
3. “Ge Hong’s Xian: Private Hermits and Public Alchemists”. Journal of Daoist Studies 8: 24-51, 2015.

Wen Haiming
Professor, People’s University of China
Ph.D. in Comparative Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, UHM
Research Fields: Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, Confucianism, Daoism, American Pragmatism, Metaphysics
Selected Publications:1. 儒家实意伦理学(Making Intentions Concrete: Dimensions of Confucian Ethics). Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2014.
2. Confucian Pragmatism as the Art of Contextualizing Personal Experience and World. New York: Lexington Books, 2009.
3. Chinese Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Yao Xinzhong
Professor, People’s University of China
Ph.D. in ethics, People’s University of China
Ph.D. in Religious, University of Wales
E-mail: yao.xinzhong@ruc.edu.cn
Research Fields: Comparative ethics, Confucianism
Selected Publications:1. Confucian Studies—Critical Concepts in Asian Philosophy, co-edited (with Wei-ming Tu). London and New York: Routledge, volumes 1-4, 2010.
2. Chinese Religion—A Contextual Approach, co-authored with Yanxia Zhao. London: Continuum, 2010.
3. Religious Experience in Contemporary China, (with Paul Badham). Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2007.

Dirk Meyer
Associate Professor of Chinese Philosophy, University of Oxford
Research Fields: philological analysis of Chinese philosophy, Chinese culture
Selected Publications:1. Philosophy on Bamboo: Text and the Production of Meaning in Early China. HCT 2. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
2. Literary Forms of Argument in Early China. SinL. 123. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
3. Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents). HCT 8. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Mark Csikszentmihalyi
University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. in Asian Languages, Stanford University
Research Fields: Religions, Philosophies, and Cultures of Early China
Selected Publications:1. Readings in Han Chinese Thought. Cambridge, Ma: Hackett Publishing Company, 2006.
2. Material Virtue: Ethics And The Body In Early China. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
3. Religious and Philosohical Aspects of the Laozi. SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999.

Richard Lynn
Professor Emeritus of Chinese Thought and Literature, University of Toronto
Research Fields: Asian history and philosophy
Selected Publications:1. Chinese Literature: A Draft Bibliography in Western European Languages. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1980.
2. Wang Shih-chen (1634-1711) as Critic and Poet. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1979 (Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1971).
3. Guide to Chinese Poetry and Drama. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1984.
Torbjorn Loden
Professor of Chinese language and culture, Stockholm University
Ph.D. in Sinology, Stockholm University
Research Fields: Chinese intellectual history
Selected Publications:1. Konfucius Samtal. Stockholm: Appell Förlag, 2016.
2. Rediscovering Confucianism : A Major Philosophy of Life in East Asia. Folkestone, United Kingdom: Brill, 2006.
3. Confucianism. Folkestone, United Kingdom: Brill, 2003.